Gambrell Harvest Fund is a private fund management service for members only.
Gambrell Harvest Fund is a Quant Fund of Funds.
We make trading decisions based on the use of advanced mathematical models and quantitative analysis.
We use custom-built computer models to pick targeted assets.
Our quantitative analysis provides opportunity and risk management in real-time 24/7.
Requirements & Disclaimer.
Private funds are expected to meet certain criteria to keep their status. Generally, the requirements
limit both the number and type of investors that can own shares in the fund. In the U.S., under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, a 3C1 fund can have up to 100 accredited investors, and a 3C7 fund
can have a soft limit of around 2,000 qualified investors. Both the definition of qualified and accredited
investor come with individual wealth tests. Accredited investors need to have more than $1 million in
net worth without counting their primary residence and/or $200,000 in annual income for an individual
and $300,000 for a couple. Qualified investors must hold assets in excess of $5 million.